Although they grew up separately, R&B and its musical cousin, Hip-Hop, have become more and more alike in recent years; contemporary R&B has shifted more toward the gritty .
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Check out Billboard's Hip Hop/R&B charts, watch videos, discuss your favorite artists and more at Billboard.com. You can also get all the latest news and reviews on top hip-hop .
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. von den Sendern und L�den ausgef�llt wurden. 1990 waren die Country-Single-Charts die ersten, die ein System namens Nielsen Soundscan einsetzten, gefolgt von den Top 100 und den R .
The Top Hip Hop & R&B chart consists of the twenty highest-rated new hip hop and R&B songs currently inside the DJ Booth. Member feedback and
See the top hip hop songs and top R&B songs at Billboard.com. From the hottest hip hop singles and top rap singles to our R&B charts, you'll get it all here.
This page lists the top 100 Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B songs on file from iTunes including artist,album and download information.
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