astonished, astonishes, astonishing: definition: to fill, suddenly, with great surprise or amazement. . astonishedly (adv.), astonishingly (adv.), astonishment (n.)
Astonishing . astonishes . Toolbar Dictionary.com Look Up Astonish Instantly.
10 letters in word "astonished": A D E H I N O S S T. No . astonished � astonishes � astonishing � astonishingly
verbto surprise; I was astonished to hear that she had recovered . Astonishes; Astonishing; Astonishingly; Astonishment; Astony; Astound; Astounded; Astounding
Definition of ASTONISHING: causing astonishment: surprising
astonishingly - in an amazing manner; to everyone's . astonished Astonishedly Astonishedly astonishes astonishes astonishing astonishing
Dictionary entry overview: What does astonish mean?
Astonish Records astonished astonished Astonishedly Astonishedly astonishes astonishes . Astonishing X-Men astonishingly astonishingly astonishment astonishment .
Base verb from the following inflections: astonishing, astonished, astonishes, astonisher, astonishers, astonishingly and astonishedly.[Eve - graph theoretic]
10 letters in word "astonishes": A E H I N O . astonished � astonish � astoning
astonished, astonishes, astonishing, astonishingly
� astonishes � astonishing � astonishingly
The word above "Astonishes" is the correct spelling for the word . Astonished; Astonishes; Astonishing; Astonishingly; Astonishment; Astony; Astound; Astounded
(redirected from astonishes) . astonished astonished Astonishedly Astonishedly . Astonishing X-Men astonishingly astonishingly astonishment
astonishingly . astonished astonishes astonishing astonishingly
Tenses: astonishes, astonishing, astonished Related: astonishment astound astounding to astonish . astonishingly: In an astonishing manner; so as to surprise or astonish ts
astonished - filled with the astonished, astonishes, astonishing, astonishingly emotional impact of . astonishes astonishing astonishing astonishing thing Astonishing X-Men astonishingly
John is astonished at my answer.John astonishes his mother (in 'is astonished' 'is' is technically the verb)
. meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'astonished','astonishing','astonishingly . astonish (astonishes 3rd person present)
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